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First home buyers charge back into the market

Hats off to Australia’s first home buyers! The latest lending data shows they’re refusing to let last year’s rate hikes and rising property values dampen their goal of buying a home. Here are five tips to help you buy your first home in 2024. You’ve gotta hand it to first home buyers in the current […]

How your deposit size can shape the rate you pay

It’s commonly known that the bigger your deposit, the smaller your home loan, and thus, the lower your monthly repayments. But today we’ll look into another way your deposit size could reduce your repayments: by potentially reducing your interest rate. A question we’re commonly asked (believe it or not!) is “how can I get a […]

The pros of having a mortgage broker on your side

What exactly can a mortgage broker do for you? Well, we don’t mean to toot our own horn, but we can make your home loan journey a whole lot easier, letting you focus on the fun part: planning for your new home! The words “home loan application process” can strike fear in the hearts of […]

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We are passionate mortgage broker in melbourne west, to help everyday people work with the widest range of lenders to ensure we can bring you the very best options the market has to offer.
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Ezy Finance Deals is a trading entity for Credit representative number 484649 ABN 60 628 668 299 and authorised under Australian Credit License 384324.
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